Zoom Classes
Since the 2013 Friends of the Cabildo has been hosting adult history classes on New Orleans and Louisiana history and culture but since 2020 we now have recordings of many of our classes. Although it’s not live, the level of experts the FOC has teaching these classes continue to be of interest to the public.
Classes are usually multiple 2-hour sessions and between 3-6 classes.
To learn more or to purchase a recording of a class please contact Jason Strada at jason@friendsofthecabildo.org or contact the Friends of the Cabildo office at (504) 523-3939.
From Friends of the Cabildo Online Classes for Purchase
History of New Orleans Jazz, History of New Orleans Architecture, History of Carnival, Neighborhoods of New Orleans Class, Researching Your New Orleans Property Lecture, Unknown Legends of New Orleans Music
Spanish Heritage Program
Friends of the Cabildo founded its Spanish Heritage program in 2017 to work with Spanish Immersion Schools and Spanish classes in the region to advance learning experiences for all levels of students. The program consists of a powerpoint entitled “The Statues Tell the Story,” which details the six monuments in New Orleans and their relationship to the city and Spain, Latin and South America. Also can be added is a Spanish focused walking your and docent tour of the Cabildo or Capital Park Museum (Baton Rouge). To learn more about our Spanish Heritage program please contact Barbara Holdsworth at barbara@friendsofthecabildo.org or contact the Friends of the Cabildo office at (504) 523-3939.